Sunday, 31 January 2010
Thought i would create this blog because there is a few thing i need to share and a few questions that need to be raised. First order of business, whats with all the gingers breaking through onto the music scene? Everywhere i look. Its like they have forgotten that they are a lower life form. For instance i innocently try to log into my Myspace page the other day, minding my own business and BAM, right there on the homepage there is this ginger invading my eyes and ruining my day. I can never get that day back now, its gone forever. Shocked and appalled, i click on the link to enquirer as to why this day walker (I say day walker, but i don't mean Blade. Blade got all the benefits of being a human and all of the benefits of being a vampire. Gingers on the other hand, have got all the down sides to being human or vampire; no super strength, cant go out in the sun very long, horrifically bad looking.. etc) was thrust upon me. The artist in question was Erik Hassle with his new song hurtful. Fair enough, the song is not that bad, but you could at least put a paper bag on his head, Jesus tonight. He looks like a cross between Will Young, Darnell from celeb BB and also a hint of Downs Syndrome (no offense meant to Will Young, Darnell or anyone who looks like a Downie). Its like ever since La Roux hit the scene, gingers everywhere have been liberated to walk among us normal folk and even attempt music makings. This is evident in the link above because surprise surprise Erik Hassle also covers, yes you guess it, a La Roux song in the related videos. We accepted La Roux with the chance that she may be just Scottish, and her songs weren't all that bad, but now the gingers are emerging and descending. Be very afraid. I would also like to thank 'Chiddy bang' for crucifying the MGMT song Kids. Next time try to make your own music and also come up with raps that you didn't rob off a 2 year old. All the best, Darth Flavour.
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About Me
- Darth Flavour
- Your friendly neighborhood Sith lord. I'm just the voice inside your head, I say what other think because i think its about time someone aught to. It will be current but never appropriate. It will be distastefully hilarious, like the special Olympics. Feel free to crawl up you own ass and die if you don't like it. And just to make it clear, i think Star Wars is lame, i just couldn't be assed thinking.
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