Friday, 11 June 2010

Do not dispair..

..for it is not the end. "Where have you been?!" - i hear you ponder. Fear not, I have not been held captive by gingers for the past 5 months (as some have speculated)(such an outrageous claim in itself, as I have deliberated before, an average human has the strength of about 20 gingers). No mon frere for the past 5 months i have been but a pawn in a conspiracy involving Ric Flairs wife, Des O'conor, a Dentist, Michael Flatley, The Mystery Machine and an epic Thumb that decides the fate of all. But I wouldn't want to dazzle you too much with such a colourfully fabricated tale which is about as inconspicuous as Jessica Fletcher; the original grim reaper.

So onwards and upwards with this potty mouth of a blog and this particular posts main focus.. 'Tripping' whilst on drugs. Recently, whilst out one night, a friend of mine uploaded a video on his phone and showed it to another in the group, who at the time was higher than Bob Marley's kite. Said video was Drinking from cups, a video made for the soul purpose of sending people west on that midnight train to Georgia (or making them trip as it is more commonly known). After watching this, I was then referred to Salad Fingers, the single most disturbing thing i have ever seen. So if you ever are in the company of a person who is baked like a cake or even just a little bit stewned and have the internet at hand, pay salad fingers a visit if you wish to witness an amusing spectacle. Yours more frequently, Darth.

About Me

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Your friendly neighborhood Sith lord. I'm just the voice inside your head, I say what other think because i think its about time someone aught to. It will be current but never appropriate. It will be distastefully hilarious, like the special Olympics. Feel free to crawl up you own ass and die if you don't like it. And just to make it clear, i think Star Wars is lame, i just couldn't be assed thinking.