Saturday, 6 February 2010

Just to clear things up.

In my previous post admittedly i was rather anti-ginger. Iv had some pretty negative feedback from gingers saying that i was harsh and offensive. I would just like to clear my name and set things straight. Any gingers should not be offended, its not my fault your lower in the food chain. I was actually thinking of getting a pet ginger but then decided not too as i had been told they cant be house trained. If i was a ginger i wouldn't want people to say hurtful things about me, but it turns out im not so everybody is a winner (apart from anyone who is ginger.)(and if i was actually ginger i would have hung myself long ago). I'm sure that Tony the Tiger would be turning in in the pile of lime under the concrete in my back garden if he could see this blog. Following nicely on with stereotypical observations, i have just arrived back from Paris. There were too many people riding around on bikes wearing stripey shirts carrying baguettes and cheese. It was distracting me from thinking of a stereotype to poke fun at. I couldn't help noticing that on the motor ways it seemed like all of the cars where fleeing from some sort of war or confrontation. I was surprised at the number of chapels in the country side, but then again a Frenchman does enjoy the thought of entering something which is erect. In relevant news it turns out Simon Cowell is bringing out a song for Haiti. "No don't get on Simon the band wagon is already full". I know why he is so smug though; its because he has never had to wear a belt in his life due to his pants being held up by his nipples. Peace, Darth Flavour.

About Me

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Your friendly neighborhood Sith lord. I'm just the voice inside your head, I say what other think because i think its about time someone aught to. It will be current but never appropriate. It will be distastefully hilarious, like the special Olympics. Feel free to crawl up you own ass and die if you don't like it. And just to make it clear, i think Star Wars is lame, i just couldn't be assed thinking.